News and Politics: May 2008 Archives

I was listening to the audio editon of the Economist in my car on the way to buy White Castle this Memorial Day holiday, and I was listening to yet another of their leaders' on the problems of ASEAN and Myanmar.

I had a conversation with Shu Huei's husband, David, when we were at La Condesa yesterday, and I was castigating Singapore for it's collusion in ASEAN's failed policy towards the junta. I still think the Singapore government should be ashamed. It needs to do more and, if nothing else, needs to grow some balls. The Economist rightly points out though, that there seems to be plenty of blame to go around, especially when it comes to Indonesia.

They didn't act when the monks protested, they didn't act any time earlier when they could have. They deserve at least some of the blame, and should feel a great deal of shame, for the current situation, no matter how useful they have been in ameliorating the aftermath of this particular crisis - especially since they probably didn't make things happen fast enough to stop what will no doubt be an already enormous humanitarian disaster. Lee Kwan Yew probably deserves to be lauded for at least saying something when he did, but too little is still too little.

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