The 5 Day News Cycle - Improvements/Suggestions for "Opera Blogs"

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This might just be me finally catching on to how things work on the interweb - but it was brought into stark relief by me monitoring the Opera Blogs over the weekend. I suspect this is now the eggs and chickens work - on weekends, there are no press releases because people tend not to be working, but also because apparently a lot of people smurf from work, no one is reading stuff on the weekends either. I wonder if there is a spike in "traditional media" consumption over the weekends.

I thought I'd just use this post to vent my annoyance at a number of things (because, as you realise, I get annoyed a lot). How how how is OperaWatch still getting so many hits? He hasn't posted in days, so I can only imagine that people are trawling and find his "get a free Opera License" thing, or they're just clicking on the most visited blog and not bothering to move to number 2. Don't get me wrong, I'm over the moon that I'm able to go from nowhere to no. 2 in less than a week, but as the month is ending, I'm actually starting to get Nokia 6630 fever. I'm a naughty monkey.

Speaking of Opera Blogs, it might be nice if there were a number of improvements to offset some of the annoyances I brought up previously. An RSS feed for the blogs would be the most important of these. As I've said before, this is not a purely Opera blog, and the feed reader on the site simply filters in those posts that have the word Opera in them. If people wanted simply to read Opera related posts, it'd be nice to have a feed for the most recent posts etc.

I'm also brought in mind of LonghornBlogs, and though we're not Opera developers, I don't know, or something might be a good marketing move - the only downside might be that Opera might be afraid that this would lead to excessive Opera bashing from users, since users are the ones with the most complaints, and might represent in writing how good things actually are. But then you could say the same about forums. Or fora I suppose. If they wanted to go beyond just posting the headline, that would be fun too.

Just to be clear, I am endlessly conscientious about not gaming stats - I don't click on my own links in Opera Blogs (unless to check how it works), and I don't post links that contain the urls that would add to my click count. Not that I'm saying anyone would, but those are the things that spring to mind that could be manipulated. The most I do is send the main url to friends who might be interested.

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This page contains a single entry by subtitles published on April 25, 2005 2:04 AM.

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